What's New?
Embedded Cluster Runs Host Preflight Checks
A default set of host preflight checks verify that the installation environment meets the requirements for Embedded Cluster and provide clear feedback to users.
- Learn more
Did You Know?
Configure Custom RBAC Policies
Add custom RBAC policies to control which team members can perform actions like promoting to a specific channel, creating new license fields, and more.
- Learn more
Getting Started with Replicated
Onboarding workflows, tutorials, and labs to help you get started with Replicated quickly.
- Introduction to Replicated
- About Distributing Applications with Replicated
- Replicated Quick Start
- Tutorials
- Getting Started Lab in Instruqt
Vendor Platform
Create and manage your account and team.
- Creating a Vendor Account
- Managing Team Members
- Configuring RBAC Policies
Compatibility Matrix
Rapidly create Kubernetes clusters, including OpenShift.
- About Compatibility Matrix
- Using Compatibility Matrix
- Supported Cluster Types
- Cluster Add-ons
- Recommended CI/CD Workflows
Helm Charts
Distribute Helm charts with Replicated.
- About Packaging Applications with Helm
- Installing with Helm
- About Distributing Helm Charts with KOTS
- Packaging a Helm Chart for a Release
- About the Replicated SDK
Replicated KOTS
A kubectl plugin and in-cluster Admin Console that installs applications in customer-controlled environments.
- Introduction to KOTS
- KOTS Terminology and FAQs
- Onboarding with KOTS
- About Distributing Helm Charts with KOTS
Embedded Kubernetes
Embed Kubernetes with your application to support installations on VMs or bare metal servers.
- About Embedded Kubernetes
- Introduction to kURL
- Using Embedded Cluster (Beta)
Insights and Telemetry
Get insights on installed instances of your application.
- About Instance and Event Data
- Adoption Report
- Instance Details
- Configuring Custom Metrics
Channels and Releases
Manage application releases with the vendor platform.
- About Channels and Releases
- Managing Releases with the Vendor Portal
- Managing Releases with the CLI
Customer Licensing
Create, customize, and issue customer licenses.
- About Customers
- Creating and Managing Customers
- Managing Custom License Fields
Preflight Checks
Define and verify installation environment requirements.
- Defining Preflight Checks
- Running Preflight Checks for Helm Installations
- Preflight Checks Tutorial for Helm Charts
- Preflight Checks Lab in Instruqt
Support Bundles
Gather information about customer environments for troubleshooting.
- Adding and Customizing Support Bundles
- Configuring Host Support Bundles
- Generating Support Bundles
- Support Bundles Lab in Instruqt
Developer Tools
APIs, CLIs, and an SDK for interacting with the Replicated platform.
- Replicated CLI
- Vendor API v3
- Replicated SDK
- Replicated SDK API